Community Platform
  • Application development
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Data analytics
  • Database management systems
  • more...
This Year
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950 Points
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2018 Fall semester

  • Leadership and Organizational Management (HRM 1101)

I learned several topics such as basic functions of management, principles of communication, and organizational structure and culture.

  • Quantitative Methods for Business II (STAT 1102)

I learned the basic statistical business methods.

2018 Spring semester

  • Information Systems in Organizations (MIS 2101)

I was able to learn about the techniques the industry utilized, including multiple diagrams such as swim
lane and ERD, to improve the business systems which helped me understand the
concept of system architecture.

  • Statistical Business Analytics (STAT 2103)

I was able to increase my excel skills to analyze more advanced business statistical data.

2019 Fall semester

  • Data Analytics (MIS2502)

I look forward to creating data models and learn how to manage or operate database systems.

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