TD Bank
I spent the summer of 2017 as a technology intern for TD Bank based out of the TD Tech Center in Mt. Laurel, NJ. Here, I was one of 8 interns who were all assigned different roles in the center. I worked with the Retail Technology sector, which is responsible for the technology behind the products TD sells such as personal loans and credit cards. Retail is one of the most essential parts of the bank as it generates 80% of TD’s revenue and is a necessary component in keeping the bank running. Specifically, I was working with the Anti-Money Laundering team (AML), whose role is to help TD flag and stop suspicious actions that may be linked to illegal income generation.
One of my main assignments as a direct report to the AML team was attending all meetings and documenting the processes on a project. I took meeting minutes to help gain an understanding of what the project was about and how I can assist my team. I relied heavily on my knowledge from MIS 3506 or Digital Design and Innovation, as I was responsible for creating use cases for my team a few times when trying to illustrate solutions or documenting processes. I also used knowledge from MIS 3535, where I practiced putting together RAID logs in Change Leadership Studio. For my team’s weekly meetings, I continued assembling a RAID log by categorizing action items and keeping a clean consistent live document.
A truly unique experience I had at my internship was getting to travel with my team to Portland, Maine for a few days and getting to experience what a business trip is like. This meant not just acting professional 9-5 but also maintaining a good impression throughout the entire day as we also spent dinner and the majority of the rest of the night together. This helped me network and grow closer with my team as I was able to really get to know them. I also had the chance to shadow various members of TD Leadership and hear their presentations throughout the day. This trip was personally valuable to me as I was one of the first interns to travel with my team in the tech center, so I was able to set some precedents for future interns in the building.
Overall, I would rank my experience at TD as extremely positive. I had the privilege to see a company with one of the most unique corporate cultures in the world, and this is evident not just 9-5 but in the way employees treat each other as friends outside of work as well. Additionally, I don’t know any other companies that allow their employees to work from home as often as three days a week directly out of school, and managers here are extremely against micromanaging. Walks with fellow employees are accepted and even encouraged as a way of bonding with coworkers, which is a great and friendly environment to work in.