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New Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Cybersecurity Reporting Rules for Public Companies

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Thu Nguyen

Professor and Academic Advisor of ITACS Program·Wells Fargo

Details of the activity

We had a speaker Thu Nguyen who had explained the importance of Cybersecurity and how it is an important career. Public companies must accept Cybersecurity as a board level issue and NOT an operational risk. New rules forces companies to revisit Cybersecurity risk management and governance programs. Also makes companies to develop additional disclosure controls to ensure timely and accurate reporting of Cybersecurity incidents, risk management, strategy, and governance. Some tips to secure my own data are password hygiene, multi factor authenticator, install updates, check emails for signs of phishing, and back up my data incase of an unfortunate event.

What you learned

Disclosure of material cybersecurity incidents within four days of identifying that material event occurred. Investments companies and broker-dealers are required to implement written cybersecurity policies and disclose any cyber incidents to the SEC. Password hygiene, Use Multi Factor Authentication, install updates, check emails for signs of phishing, and back up your data is part of practicing to secure your own data.

How the activity relates to coursework or your career goals

This activity related to my career goals as I wanted to have an open idea going into the career field. With Cybersecurity, I could spend time learning and trying to get certifications on it. In my career goals, I planned to be educated in careers that relates with technology as I wanted to keep up. Having Cybersecurity in my skillset could open up new pathways that I couldn’t have thought of. Not only it relates to my career goals, it can relate to my future coursework where I can take what I learned from this event and apply it to the courses. Being aware that cybersecurity is a necessary thing to have and that there are threats that can take all your data away in seconds is dangerous.

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