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  • Accounting information systems (AIS)
  • Artificial intelligence
  • JavaScript
  • Machine learning
This Year
100 Points
1070 Points
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MIS Major Courses

Course Semester Description
Data Science (MIS 0855) FL 22 This course taught me how data is stored, organized, and analyzed to enable better decisions. I got hands-on experience by solving problems using a variety of powerful, computer-based data tools such as Excel and Tableau. I also learned to make more impactful and persuasive presentations by learning the key principles of presenting data visually.
Data and Analytics (MIS 2502) SP 22 This course was split into two parts. The first part focused on creating ERDs and database schemas for transactional databases. I also gained experience in writing SQL queries in order to retrieve data from a database. The second part of this course focused on data analytics using an analytical data store. I used Python and Jupyter Notebook to create decision trees, clustering segmentation, and association rules to analyze data and make informed decisions from it.
Digital Systems (MIS 2101) FL 21 In this course, I learned how businesses utilize information technology to improve functionality. I learned about several types of information systems such as customer relationship management systems, supply chain management systems, and enterprise resource planning. Additionally, I learned how to diagram business processes through swim-lane diagrams, entity-relationship diagrams, and decision trees.

Accounting Major Courses

Course Semester Description
Intermediate Accounting 1 (3511) SP 22 In this course, I learned accounting principles as they relate to financial reporting. Income determination, asset and liability valuation, and the form and content of financial statements are examined.
Cost Accounting (ACCT 2521) SP 22 The accumulation and analysis of cost accounting information for the valuation of products and services, internal decision making, and measurement of financial performance.
Financial Accounting (ACCT 2101) FL 20 In this course, I learned basic concepts and principles underlying the preparation and use of financial statements. Among the topics covered are basic accounting theory, transactional analysis, income determination, asset and liability valuation, and the preparation of financial statements.
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