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Scala Developer

Clutch Holding LLC – Scala Developer

After my summer internship at Clutch, I got a new offer to return to Clutch as a Scala developer and platform development intern. With the huge amount of experience I learnt from the summer, I was able to contribute to the overall design and architecture of the applications developed and deployed. Moreover, I was given the chance to actually work on my own project, dependent of any current data science workflow.

About Clutch Holding LLC

Clutch is a digital marketing company that focuses 4 mains area: Data-driven CRM system, loyalty program, gift card program, different services of channel marketing. Their main clients are B-2-C company, ranging from small to big brands such as Pandora, Godiva, and Goodwill. Clutch’s approach to business and software development are the agile method and scrums team.

Responsibilities as a Scala Developer Intern:

During Fall 2019, I mainly worked on two main projects: Clutch’s Customer Journey Recognition algorithm and applying Microsoft LIME (local interpretable model-agnostic explanations). As a Scala Developer: 

  • I wrote and tested out different supporting function models in Scala to support Journey Recognition algorithm. In a nutshell, this journey model helps marketer identify customers most repeated events, then display the result on a Sankey Chart (click here to learn about Sankey chart).
  • Worked on figuring out how to translate Microsoft LIME from PHP to Scala. LIME explains what machine learning classifiers (or models) are doing.
  • Performed Q&A for project to ensure of a successful product launch.

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