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Sports- Above everything else but family sports have been the major shaping force in my life. Learning leadership qualities and the dynamics of being a member of a team are truly irreplaceable qualities that I’ve picked up through sports. I grew up playing soccer and baseball but I’m a major fan of most sports. And, as it should be for everyone, my heart lies with the Philadelphia sports teams. The Phillies, Flyers, Eagles and the 76ers. I guess you could say the Union as well but for soccer I don’t follow the MLS, instead I’m a Chelsea supporter from the Barclay’s Premier League in England.








Skiing- Yes, skiing is defined as a sport, but I feel it’s important enough to have its own category under my interests. The ever advancing challenge that is skiing has been a part of my life since I could fit into the boots. The adrenaline rush of flying across the ground at extreme speeds then taking off into the air… It’s hard to put into words the thrill you can get from skiing.








Reading- I’ve always enjoyed reading and  I’m extremely into non-fiction. Some of my favorite authors include: Adam Smith, Alexis de Tocqueville, and John Locke. It’s an interesting glimpse into the minds and lives of those before us.

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