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  • User Experience Design (UX)
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Cybersecurity Capstone Project Presentation/Overview:


Data Analytics:

In data analytics I learned how to gather, organize, analyze, manipulate, and sort through large data sets. I became familiar with software like NOSQL, MongoDB, Tableu, R/Rstudio, and Vertabelo.

Data-Centric Application Development:

In this class I learned the basics of programming (CSS, Javascript, Bootstrap, JQuery, HTML) and how they all work together to create fluent webpages.

Information Architecture:

This class almost entirely revolved around Amazon Web Services (AWS.) While there was some programming in this course, it mainly focused on how to effectively scale server usage depending on estimated website traffic to minimize server costs, how to ensure that your web servers never crash, how to ensure that your web servers are always responsive, and how to set up and work within the AWS interface.

Digital Solutions Studio:

This course taught me all about User Experience (UX.) Although it is not even close to being the most technical, this may be the most important course offered in MIS. User Experience flows through every aspect of every relationship any consumer has with any product they are using. The more fluent the UX of a product, the happier the consumer will be, and the more likely you will be to create loyal, lifelong customers.

Web Service Programming:

This course taught me how to build a full front end to back end information system. It includes the complete construction of a client side webpage created in visual studio code (for the user to interact with), full server side code (to deliver and retrieve data from a database) and the database itself (usually SQL) to store user information.

Enterprise Cybersecurity:

This course taught me how to penetration test, risk assess, and much more in order to protect an information system. Please view my Capstone Project Presentation above!

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