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Regulatory Information Management Intern

Overall Role: Information Management Project Support

Assigned Tasks: Migrating data, analyzing excel spreadsheet data, assisting in maintaining ‘IRISS’ website.


Analyzed messy financial/accounting data on an excel spreadsheet. Cleaned up inputs and made the information clear and valid in order for budget preparation.

Assisted in a relatively large data migration from a very old SharePoint to a newer Office 365 database. Assisted in identifying the best way to migrate this data through testing various online data migration tools and then made recommendations.

Analyzed a website in need of upgrades in order to send problems to a website developer. Walked through the steps a customer would take and identified every issue along the way. I documented those issues and wrote them up into a presentation that was sent to the developer.

What I Learned:

Specifically for my Data Analytics class, I learned how extremely convoluted and messy real data can be. It is a bit more difficult to analyze, sort, and clean an actual company’s data compared to the examples we were given to work on in class.

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