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Delta Zeta Sorority

71a7e4_add8abad6bf9282fe8c5b0606fd3cdc3.png_srz_189_199_75_22_0.50_1.20_0.00_png_srzI am a part of Temples Delta Zeta Sorority Delta Tau Chapter.  I joined in my freshman year at Temple in 2011, it has been the biggest part of my life and has helped me figure out my career choices and where I am today at Temple University.  During my time in Delta Zeta, we have raised numerous amounts of donations for our personal philanthropies, the Painted Turtle Camp , The Starkey Hearing Foundation, and Pennsylvania School for the Deaf, among a hundred other organizations including National Cancer Society to those who were affected by Hurricane Sandy.  We also are involved with a lot of community services around Temple University including Street Teams — which we clean up the blocks of Philadelphia every few weeks, Woodstock — which is a home for battered women and children, and street tails — which is a place for stray animals; these are just to name a few local community services that we do being a part of Delta Zeta.  Delta Zeta has opened my eyes to connections of girls all over the United States that are in our sorority and has taught me handwork and time management.  They taught me to always be your best, and never stop dreaming or working to reach your goals.

Contact Information/Resume

Brigitte Galligan


RESUME MAY 28 2014

Toll Brothers Internship



This summer, I am interning at Toll Brothers Homebuilders.  I am currently working with the Human Resources Department making sure that all of the aspects of their career center and job postings are up to date and are appealing to future employees.  Even though I am working with the HR department, I am doing a lot of marketing for their department by checking links on job websites to make sure they are working and are easy to use for prospective employees.  I am also working with the marketing department to update our career center website to make it more appealing to the eye and to more capture what Toll Brothers is all about.  The biggest marketing duty I am in charge of during my internship that I love doing, is managing the Toll Brothers Jobs twitter page where I post jobs that are available at Toll Brothers as well as articles that could be helpful during the interview process and tips on how to get a job that is desired.  I have learned so much about marketing and how it coincides with the human resources department because you have to be safe with postings to make sure they are not completely sided on way or another.

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