Community Platform
  • Application Programming Interface (APIs)
  • Cloud computing
  • Consumer applications and technologies
  • Design
  • more...
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Data and Analytics:

Understood how to structure and query data using SQL and NoSQL systems. Data Analysis is one of the most important fields of our time. An introduction to SQL and NoSQL has given me a familiarity with how data is extracted, transformed, and loaded. I have a much greater appreciation for data analysis and insights as a result of taking this class.

This class was of particular interest to me due to the use of various data analysis tools like Tableau and RStudio. In addition to the analysis of data, an introduction to real-world simulated case competitions gave me a better understanding of how data is used in a real-world environment.

Web Application Development:

Developed web apps using REST APIs and single-page architecture. MIS 2402 gave me a deeper understanding of what goes on under the hood of web apps from a front-end perspective. Learning common standards for developing web apps today like single-page architecture and REST APIs has positioned me to adapt and continually learn new standards that will appear in both the near and distant future.

User Experience Design:

Understanding good UX principles and how to effectively design a WordPress site. When it comes to end-users, good design is everything. A system can be incredibly well designed and powerful and yet if it is unusable by the user, that full capability cannot be reached. MIS 3506 gave me a deeper understanding of what good design is as well as introducing Agile principles into the design and development process.

Cloud Architecture:

Learned how to create a well-architected cloud framework using AWS. Created web apps using Node.js APIs running in the cloud. Systems Administrators and Analysts are responsible for the design and architecture of information systems. MIS 3406 gave me a greater understanding of how systems are architected using a cloud service provider like Amazon Web Services. By having a deeper understanding of setting up servers, elastic IP addresses, load balancers, security groups, and an introduction to back-end API development, more robust and secure systems can be implemented.

This course gave me a better intuition as to how web applications are architected through the full stack. It is applicable to my interest in business analysis as a way to understand the underlying infrastructure of systems used today.

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