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IBIT Mentoring Program

I was a part of the IBIT Mentoring program over fall. Neil Mundell was my mentor. I enjoyed meeting twice with Neil over zoom. In our first meeting, I was able to get an idea of not only what Neil currently does for a living, but also how he got to where he is now. I also expressed my career aspirations to him, and got an idea of how I could make it happen.

In our second meeting we were able to get more into the nitty gritty of where I am currently at in my career. We spoke about my resume and how I can improve it, as well as my approach to applying for jobs and how I can improve it. All and all the my experience with the IBIT mentoring program was great and I am glad that I now have a great connection in Neil, and some great insight on how to approach to entering the job market after I graduate.


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