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Course Work

Courses I have taken at the Fox School of Business Temple University:

  • MIS 2101 – Info Systems Organizations: This course introduced me to Salesforce, which I am very excited to learn more about. The course helped me understand how important business solution is and how to analyze problems within businesses from a more technical outlook.
  • MIS 2402 – Data-Centric Application Development: This course gave me a vast understanding of the internet and how web applications work. MIS 2402 enhanced my coding skills and advanced my understanding of programming fundamentals.
  • MIS 31275 – User Experience Design: The focus of this class was based on the book The Design of Everyday Things by Don Norman. It taught me how to focus on the needs of the users experience and the gap between developers and users.
  • STAT 2103 – Statistical Business Analytics: This class helped me better understand where data comes from and how it is collected. It also helped me realize how data can be misunderstood and how small errors in the process of collecting it can mislead customers and analyst alike.
  • MIS 2502 – Data Analytics: In today’s business world, data and its understanding is crucial, this course give me the tools and skills to better understand the benefits of data and how to apply them to better my work environment. I learned how to extract, transform, load for data cleansing and discover insight from data using analytics software.

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