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Northampton Community College

Calculus 1 With Review: Equivalent to Pre-Calculus and Calculus, this course covered Derivatives, Limit functions, Integration, Differentiation, Antiderivatives, and more.

English 1 & 2: English 1 focused heavily on writing, sourcing, formatting, and researching papers. English 2 focused more on literature, self-research, analyzing, and understanding writing.

The online portfolio for classwork can be found here.

Cultural Anthropology: A look into the world’s cultures, emphasis on Papa New Guinea, and how each interacts, defines, and exists in the world.

Micro/Macroeconomics: A dual perspective on economics including focus on supply/demand, marginal analysis, scarcity, incentives, and more.

Management Fundamentals: History of management along with applying concepts to case scenarios and recreating potential decisions.

Introduction to Philosophy: The basics of philosophy such as freedom, justice, love, Allegory of the Cave, and the like.

Honors Ethics & Morals: A concentration on the philosophy of ethics and morals with a focus on Plato and Margaret Atwood. 

Principles of Marketing: How marketing works and drives business revenue, overview of entire topic, 4 Ps of marketing, SMART goals, SWOT analysis, VALS. Class ending with a final Marketing Plan Project.

       A copy of the Marketing Plan Project can be found here and here.

Managerial Accounting: Planning, controlling, and evaluating company performance from an internal perspective.

Financial Accounting 1 & 2: Accounting equation, debts v. credits, GAAP, financial statements all from an external view; preparing data that will be published.

Honors American History 1: History of early America from settlers and investors in a New World to the Industrial Revolution

Business Statistics: Overview of statistical formulas and concepts geared for business applications. Focus includes: variance, correlation, regression.

Business Law 1: Description of the U.S. court system and how it works, overview of the law, history of law, case studies.

Speech Communication: Overview of speech and speech science (communication models, Sapir Whorf hypothesis, encoding/decoding) along with required in-class speeches, both individual and group.

Honors Contemporary Biology: Biology taught at a level for non-science majors, cells, classification of life, biomes/climate, climate change, and much more.

Honors Introduction to Film: Overview of popular films throughout history along with tools to better analyze movies and classifications to better understand how they are made.

Introduction to Computers: Overview of basic computing concepts such as byte, bit, computer components, binary, along with a focus on Microsoft Office.

Temple University


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