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     Data Analyst – I like to think about data as being a jigsaw puzzle. At first glance, it appears to be meaningless and disorganized. As one begins to assemble the pieces, order and pattern can be extracted. As the pile dwindles, it becomes easier and easier to find the missing bits and visualize the takeaways. Data, when pieced together and analyzed, displays purpose and creates value. However, data analysis is much more powerful then a jigsaw puzzle because of what it offers when complete. Data not only tells the story leading up to the finished product, the visualization of the pieces in order, but also provides insight on how to make decisions and react to such an analysis. While a jigsaw puzzle creates a picture, data provides both the history leading up to the visualization and potential insights into how the future may look. I am impassioned with data because of this and is why I believe a career in data analytics would be interesting and insightful.


data analysis photo



Guitar I like to play a variety of instruments but mainly I am a guitarist. The feeling of playing is exciting and expressive, a great way for me to deal with stress and present style. My favorite guitarist is Jimi Hendrix and my favorite guitar is a Fender Telecaster.


fender photo


Hiking/Backpacking & Travel I like to get out into nature and take a long walk. I feel bliss when I am away and far out, when the stars are bright and the night is dark. I also really like to travel because it brings with it new people and experiences. I believe an open mind is achieved through traveling and finding out for yourself what the world has to offer. I plan to hike the 2,650 mile Pacific Crest Trail upon graduation.


grand teton photo


Favorite Thinkers – Buckminister Fuller, Tim Ferriss, Benjamin Graham, Robert Kyosaki, J. David Stein, Warren Buffett… 

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