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Cloud Support Associate

About AWS: Amazon Web Services is a leader in the Cloud industry with offices all over the U.S. I am assigned to their Herndon, Virginia office. My exact department/team will be determined during the training period.

Job Function: Cloud support associate will mainly be working with engineers to help solve and troubleshoot customer issues. As well as providing feedback on user experiences to AWS teams that can better improve the service. Constantly learning, and working on projects with my assigned team is also an important part.

Related to MIS: Cloud architecture provided knowledge on how the cloud works as well as gave me the opportunity to become a user of AWS and learn what certain services do. The small introduction to IP and TCP and networking also helped for the interviews. Data analytics also helped with portions of the interview. SQL queries and using data analytic programs like R or Python is important. Web application programming teaches you how servers and clients communicate to each other which is important with networking. Managing Cybersecurty Enterpirse’s use of a Linux Kali virtual machine is important in understanding how the operating software works. Most of the trouble shooting for this job will relate to networking and operating systems.


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