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Favorite things to do outside of school & work…

||Travel and Photography||

One of my biggest passions and goals is to travel the world! While I’m at it, taking beautiful pictures will help preserve the memory.

I traveled to Tokyo, Japan with my sister in May, 2018. I was one of the most amazing and surreal experiences of my live. We traveled all over Tokyo and stayed a night in Kyoto. The food, scenery, and activities we did were amazing. I hope to reignite my love for Japan by taking a part in a Study-Abroad program to Temple’s Japan campus. I have also recently traveled to Canada for a weekend trip and enjoyed finally seeing Niagara-Falls.


||Video Games and Cooking||

While at home with nothing to do I always turn to playing video games or trying out a new recipe.

Everyone needs hobbies and playing FFXIV during the summer or when I need a break from school work is a great way to use my brain while not thinking about the next study session. I have a long list of games to play and finish, so my weekend should never be dull. Cooking and baking is also a great creative outlet for me. I enjoy good food but during quarantine, trying out new recipes has been a pleasure to do. I love cooking Asian cuisines, love to eat Guyanese cuisine, and hope to explore more African-style cuisines.

My proudest atypical accomplishment…

||Building my own PC||

While this did cost a fortune as a freshman college student, it was an amazing accomplishment. I had a couple of friend that helped me pick out the right parts to fit my budget and then I got to work. When it came to trying to power on the PC for the first time, it wasn’t working. Turns our the fan on top of the CPU wasn’t latched on correctly, this I found out after practically taking the whole thing apart.


||Potato and Cheese||

Potato is not exactly my cat, but she’s my boyfriend’s and I love her all the same. She is the most gentle cat I have ever met and I will happily take her as my own cat one day.

Soon to join is Cheese! My friend who lives on a farm and needs barn cats, recently got a litter that was without their mom. She was trying to find home for all the cats which is how Cheese is to become my boyfriend’s second cat (one day I’ll get to live with a cat of my own).

Movie(s) I have watched over and over…

||Basically any Studio Ghibli Movie ||

Ghibli movies are what you need to watch in order to feel excited about like or look forward to future. Often when my sister and I are feeling a lack a motivation we will pick a Ghibli movie to watch (i.e., Kiki’s Delivery Service, Whisper of the Heart, Spirited Away, From Up on Poppy Hill). It fills me with joy and the need to seize the day!

TV show(s) I’m watching right now…

||Squid Game anyone?||

I have been a fan of Korean drama and TV shows for the past 10 years at this point, but in recent times I haven’t watched as many. To my surprise I start hearing everyone around me talking about Squid Game, and so its time to watch it. I have since finished it but it was the most recent show I have watched. On and off I have been watching the old 90s sitcom, “The Nanny.”

Apps I visit daily…

||YouTube, Instagram, Reddit||

When I have nothing else to do (or when I wake up, eat a meal, or go to bed) I usually am on one of these three apps. On YouTube I usually watch whatever looks interesting on the recommended page. The few channels I consistently follow is Pick Up Limes, Abroad in Japan, OfflineTV. I use Instagram to see what friends and family are up to, or scroll mindlessly on the popular page. I go on Reddit for keeping up on all the latest memes and news headlines (not the best for fully reading about the news lol)


Coolest thing I’ve ever done…

||Visit Japan||

I touched on this up above, but this is truly the coolest thing I’ve ever done. I mean this was the first real vacation I’ve ever had and it was the first time I traveled out of the US. I traveled with one of my older sisters and the first night we were there, walking to our Airbnb, everything felt so surreal. One of the most memorable parts was our journey to see mount Fuji at one of its viewing spots. We got off at a train station that was in the countryside and were walking of gravel roads not knowing it we’d find a good spot to see mount Fuji. After crossing these train tracks and climbing up a hill, we found a majestic slightly overgrown viewing area that was perfect. You could see farmland, highways, and mount Fuji… So many elements in one perfect view, no picture could encompass the feelings that we held at that moment.

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