Community Platform
  • Business analysis
  • Customer relationship management (CRM)
  • Data analytics
  • Database administration
  • more...
This Year
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1045 Points
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Completed Coursework:

Fall 2016:

MIS 0855 — Data Science

MIS 4596 — Information Systems Integration

BA 4101 — Global Business Policies

AAS 829 — Historical Significant of Race in America



Spring 2016:

MIS 3501 — Data-Centric Application Development

BA 3103 — Integrative Business Applications

MUST 0809 — World Musics & Cultures

PSY 0818 — Human Sexuality


Fall 2015:

MIS 3535 — Lead Global Digital Projects

FIN 3101 — Financial Management

MSOM 3101 — Operations Management


Spring 2015:

MIS 3536 — Information Systems Innovation

MIS 3504 — Digital Design and Innovation

BA 2104 — Excel for Business Applications

BA 2196 — Business Communications

STAT 2103 — Statistical Business Analytics

MEE 0843 — Technology Transformations


Fall 2014:

BA 3102 — Business Society & Ethics

MIS 2501 — Enterprise IT Architecture

MIS 2502 — Data Analytics

RMI 2101 — Intro to Risk Management


Spring 2014:

ACCT 2101 — Managerial Accounting

BA 2101 — Professional Development Strategies

IH 0852 — Mosaic: Humanities Seminar II

MIS 2101 — Information System Organizations

MATH 1042 — Calculus II


Fall 2013:

ACCT 2101 — Financial Accounting

CIS 0835 — Cyberspace & Society

IH 0851 — Mosaic: Humanities Seminar I

MATH 1041 — Calculus I

MKTG 2101 — Marketing Management


Spring 2013:

ECON 1101 — Macroeconomic Principles

ENG 0802 — Analytical Reading & Writing

HRM 1101 — Leadership & Organizational Management

LGLS 1101 — Legal Environment of Business

MATH 1022 — Precalculus


Fall 2012:

ECON 1102 — Microeconomics Principles

GUS 0862 — Development and Globalization

EDUC 0823 — Kids, Community & Controversy

REL 0876 — Religion in Philadelphia

STAT 1001 — Pre-Calculus for Business


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