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Academic History

Philadelphia High School for Girl's Logo
Philadelphia High School for Girls (September 2008 — June 2012)

I attended high school at the Philadelphia High School for Girls (also known as Girls’ High).  Girls’ High is a university preparatory magnet high school in the School District of Philadelphia that was established in 1848.  Attending Girls’ High shaped me into the person that I am today.  At this school, I learned that if you don’t put in any effort into something, you will get no where.  My teachers made us students understand the true value of our education.  Everyday, I made sure I was always working hard and that I stayed dedicated to my schoolwork.  I am glad to say that Girls’ High has made me realize that handwork truly does pay off.



Temple University (August 2012 –December 2016)

I currently attend college as a full time student at Temple University majoring in Management Information Systems.  Temple University has such a diverse student body with over 40,000 students and 125 undergraduate majors. The reason why I chose Temple was because it was close to home and also because its Fox School of Business is among the top ranked in the nation.  I am glad to be studying in the Fox School of Business, especially because it has such an excellent and distinguished MIS Department.  I know that my successful future will be close within reach.

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