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Working Out/Exercising

Throughout my childhood I was involved in numerous sports, sometimes more than one at a time. I’ve always loved the outdoors and staying active. When I moved to Philadelphia and began my studying at Temple University, I left behind my love for playing competitive sports. As time went by, I realized that playing sports was my outlet for stress. Since I didn’t have time in my schedule to play on a sports team, I decided to take up weight lifting. After a hard first couple months, it became a part of my every day routine and something I could not go without. Working out at the gym gave me that stress coping mechanism I had been missing and my life has never been better!


There is no better place to have some peace of mind that on my fishing boat. As a child, I spent many weekends at my grandfather’s lake house fishing and swimming. I have very fond memories of those days. When my grandfather passed away, he left me his boat. I didn’t really take too much interest in that boat until I moved to Philadelphia. Being an outdoors-man and living in the city of Philadelphia don’t exactly go hand in hand. During the summer, I take every chance I get to travel two hours to fish on my grandfather’s boat and put my mind at ease. The lake is mainly a bass fishing lake but there are some trout that come through and you’ll catch one if you try. To all my fisherman out there, good luck this summer!


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