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Throughout my years in high school and college thus far, I have had several experiences with part time jobs and internships. Right now, I am a student caller for the Temple Telefund where I call approximately 100 alumni/parents/students to fundraise for Temple University schools and colleges. My internship last summer was working for the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission in the Management Operation Service department where I aided the staff in cataloging mail and auditing clients’ information in the database with up to 50 to 70 entries per day. Previously, I have had experience working as a cashier at Kohl’s and Dunkin Donuts. In both places I provided customer service. At Dunkin Donuts, I also served donuts, coffee, and prepared hot sandwiches. At Kohl’s, I working in the home and children’s departments and organized the department floors, as well as assisting associates with the cash register as needed.

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