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Operations Analyst

  1. Information about the organization (e.g., type, size, location, specific division/department in which you are employed)
    • I was supposed to intern at the PNC Bank headquarters in Pittsburgh, but worked remotely due to COVID-19. I worked specifically in the Commercial Lending Operations team under Risk Participations. The team I worked with consisted of about 15-20 people, but we constantly communicated with people from other teams. The bank has about 50,000 employees in total.
  1. Job function (e.g., overall role, assigned tasks)
    • During my internship as an Operations Analyst, I sat in on meetings to learn about what goes on in the banking industry, specifically within Commercial Lending Operations. I interned while PNC was acquiring BBVA, a bank in Texas, so one of my main jobs was to create a high level PowerPoint presentation about our specific team to present to new employees joining the team. Other tasks required me to create excel sheets to help discover trends based off of customer banking data. There was no set list of jobs that I was to accomplish when starting this internship, so much of my tasks would be assigned randomly whenever my manager needed.
  1. Examples of projects (e.g., list the projects you worked on and what you accomplished)
    • One of my main jobs was to help with error tracking before the transfer of information from one bank to another during the acquisition. I was given a bunch of data from tests conducted by various people from the team. This information was collected from different customers and contained test results from ACBS, the banking software that is used by PNC. My job was to develop an excel sheet that combined all of the errors from the test results to help aggregate data for the team. The goal of this was to lay out all of the information to discover potential root causes before they actually start the transition to help mitigate potential problems. While this was my main project, my other smaller tasks were also based heavily on analyzing data from excel sheets to create pivot tables and gather data. Besides excel, I also created numerous PowerPoints about team functions that would be used for future employees joining the team.
  1. What you learned and how it relates to your major (e.g., describe what you learned from this experience in the context of specific courses)
    • During this internship, I felt like it related heavily back to the concepts that I learned in MIS 3535 about agile methodology. Every morning I was apart of two stand up meetings in which everyone discussed what they were working on, what they had planned for the day, and what issues they had run into. There are also weekly meetings to discuss root cause issues that had been discovered after completing deals with customers. They discussed what the issue was and kept asking questions until they figured out what caused the problem and how it could be fixed in the future. I also noticed that the manager of the team would never really impose his ideas on anyone, but would instead let others in the team deliberate with one another to figure out the best course of action when it came to a problem. This internship also reminded me of what I learned in the MIS Data Analytics course because of the sheer amount of data that I had to work with and pick up trends on. I learned that data really does determine everything when it comes to how people make their decisions because of what it reveals after you have organized everything. My manager also taught me that in the business world, everything is always changing and nothing is ever really set in stone. My time in MIS has taught me the same idea since technology is always rapidly advancing which means that we also need to keep updating and adjusting to newer techniques and procedures.

Internship Duration:

PNC in the News & Intern Checklist 


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