Experience: Rite Aid
Rite Aid:
In my time at Rite Aid, I worked the register, stocked the shelves, put up sales stickers, and dealt with customer issues.
Skills Learned:
Customer Service –
During my time at Rite Aid, the most important skill I learned was customer service. Being the main point of contact at the front end of the store, I greeted every customer and asked if they needed assistance as they walked in. I had experiences with all types of customers and learned how to keep my composure and kind attitude when dealing with rough customers. All my growth was seen at the end of my time at Rite Aid since the thriving moments, customer feedback surveys, rated both me and the store very well.
Leadership –
During my time at Rite Aid, I was given a chance to grow my leadership skills. I not only trained new hires on the cash register, but I led them through tasks they have not done yet. I taught many new hires how to put up sales stickers, how to stock shelves, and how to answer the phone. I was also given the opportunity to supervise other workers while managers were on break.
Teamwork –
During my time at Rite Aid, I was given the experience to grow my teamwork skills through working with a different type of team than I was used to. A successful day of work at Rite Aid depended on every person doing their own different task. Before doing our tasks, my team and I would decide who would do what. It was most efficient if we all worked on different tasks that lead to the completion of a similar goal. While some nights I would do stickers, others I would stock shelves, and others I would do some of both. Furthermore, I would sometimes help my coworkers out and stay longer to help them finish tasks they may not be able to complete by the end of the night.
Time Management –
When I joined the Rite Aid team, I had to learn how to manage my time a lot more. While over the summer I worked about three or four days a week eight hours a day, when the school year rolled around, I knew I had to cut more hours to juggle both work and school. Not only that, but I also took on different roles in many different college and high-school ensembles while in school, which took up a lot of my time at nights. I would often have to work from 4:00-10:00 two weekdays and 2:00-9:00 on Saturdays while having rehearsals from 6:00-9:30 on Thursdays and from 2:00-5:00 on Sundays. This made for a very busy schedule on top of school, but I still managed to keep my grades and spirits up.
Responsibility –
During my time at Rite Aid, my boss helped me grow in the skill of responsibility. With every coworker, my boss gave out her phone number and left a calendar on the wall. The calendar on the wall was for us to write days we needed off, and the phone was for emergency situations where something came up at the last second. She encouraged us to only use the calendar, and to write on it at least a week in advance. I learned that I was responsible for my schedule, and my decisions directly affected other employees. It was my responsibility to inform my boss as soon as I knew about something, so I didn’t put the pressure on other employees to cover for me.