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Marketing Channels

Direct Selling: CreditVisible will have an in-person sales team going to local and regional banks to speak with management in order to sell them our product.

Events: Through community outreach to university’s bursar’s offices and orientation, parent’s weekend, as well as at job fairs, our sales team can build awareness among various organizations within the university to perform financial education. This is a key channel because many students are just beginning to open bank accounts and will likely do so with the bank affiliated with campus.

Optimizing SEO: As a newly formed company, we require visibility. In an effort to drive quality traffic to our page and rank higher in search engines, we will craft a targeted SEO strategy. Beginning with market intelligence research, we can understand the keywords our potential customers are using in their search to establish credit. Those keywords will ultimately inform our website content strategy and allow the search engines to index our page.

Social Media: CreditVisible will use social media platforms such as YouTube, TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to connect with Gen Z to support them with financial resources and build a positive and trusting relationship with them.

    • CreditVisible’s goal will be to post and publish content on social media that target’s Gen Z’s financial needs and concerns. Today’s younger generation has on average the lowest credit scores, so gaining access to impactful financial literacy through our brand can be very beneficial to them and create a connection to CreditVisible. Gen Z is also very concerned about data transparency and being able to trust institutions.
    • CreditVisible will also take a personalized approach by sharing user stories about financial literacy or financial hardship on our social media accounts. We will ask users if they want to be featured on our social media platforms (i.e. Instagram) and we will ask them to send us a video or we may make ones ourselves. Generally, Gen Z (and social media users) love to be tagged and featured on other platforms. It will prompt them to share our content to their own page and from there, their followers will see our company and in turn get more interest and expand our customer awareness.   

Email Marketing Strategy: Potential customers will be able to sign up for our newsletter through a prominent lead box on our website. Before we attempt to sell potential customers anything, we will establish ourselves as thought leaders and provide value to them first. Our newsletters will provide financial information including, but not limited to, how to establish credit when you don’t have credit, how a low credit score can lead to higher payments overtime, and what we mean when we say “financial wellness”.

    • During the sharing phase, we will incentivize customers who are enjoying their experience with CreditVisible to share it with their friends. We will offer cash back for getting a friend to sign up. We will also provide pre-populated content for customers to share on social media, with the click of a button, that they are well on their way to achieving financial wellness thanks to CreditVisible.

Websites and Blog: CreditVisible will create tailored content to educate and inform CreditVisible’s customers about different financial topics, anywhere from what credit is, how to build it and other topics that the customers show interest in. This will organically grow our audience as well as help facilitate the education process. 

Word of Mouth Marketing: Similar to the concept in Social Media, CreditVisible believes that customers sharing our content onto their platforms will gain referrals or recommendations from our customers and others. 90% of customers take recommendations from their friends (Ellering, 2022). 

Scholarship Opportunity: CreditVisible will sponsor an annual financial literacy and wellness scholarship (each spring) at local colleges and universities for students applying or currently enrolled in college. The CreditVisible scholarship will build brand awareness by giving customers a reason to learn more about our brand and what we offer. In turn this would also get us positive media attention, reduce the cost of our marketing spending, increase customer acquisition at a lower cost all while showing CreditVisible’s core beliefs and corporate values.

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