Fox School of Business- Class of 2015

Interests & Hobbies

As you may know, my interests are very spread out, so this page will just highlights few of my interests and hobbies.


One of my biggest interest is traveling. I have been to some different parts in the country, however I would like to travel as much as I can. As an individual I am fascinated with other cultures and would like to get  in depth knowledge about them. I am an active person, and also love to socialize with people. I aspire to travel to other countries around the world like Europe and Asia. As an African, I didn’t get the chance to visit Africa as much as I wanted, however it is one of my future plan.


Health and Activity:

I love to stay active and eat right. Working out is something I really enjoy. I always try new things whether it is workout class or healthy foods. I also love being outside, and I enjoy running and swimming. When I home, I do yoga along with my sisters.


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