Community Platform
  • Analytics
  • App development
  • Application development
  • Application Programming Interface (APIs)
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This Year
100 Points
1170 Points
MIS Badge

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Complete Coursework:

MIS 2021 — In Digital Systems, I learned how to navigate and utilize Salesforce through business-oriented procedures. I also developed the basic skills of JavaScript through coding assignments and projects.

MIS2402 — In Web Application Development, I learned CSS, HTML, and JavaScript in more depth, along with understanding how to debug code and utilize error trapping. We created a webpage using a chosen API with the GET and POST method.

MIS2502 —  In Data & Analytics, I learned how to use MySQL, MongoDB, and R studio. I used this to uncover relational and transactional data schema. We were able to understand how to do lift calculations and make conclusions based on our results. We also were taught about data visualization and the techniques nd preferences that are associated with it.

MKTG3509 — In Customer Data Analytics, I became more familiar with using Excel and learned how to operate IBM SPSS. I would uncover data through testing frequencies, linear regressions, and logistic regressions. It helped me attain a better understanding on how to segment and target specific customer groups to generate more profit within a business. We also learned how to do lift/gains profit analysis, calculate Lifetime Value, and do Hypothesis Testing.

Current Coursework:

Lead Global Digital Projects

User Experience Design

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