Community Platform
  • Accounting information systems (AIS)
  • Business analysis
  • Business Intelligence (BI)
  • Cloud computing
  • more...
This Year
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2650 Points
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Temple University Association for Information Systems
AIS allows students interested in Information Systems to learn more about their field and network through frequent workshops with Fortune 500 company executives in topics relevant to those being studied in the classroom. Students are able to talk face-to-face with local executives and earn information about their companies, internships and job leads.





Entrepreneurial Student Association

Committee: Marketing
Position: Head of Social Networking

The ESA creates a dynamic network of Entrepreneurship-minded students. As a member, I am exposed to countless business leaders at casual fireside chats, I am given ample opportunities to grow as a business thinker, and most importantly, I am privileged to share the club with the other great minds attending the University. The connections I have made and will continue to make will prove to be one of the most valuable assets that I will gain during my time studying here.





Kappa Delta Rho Fraternity, Xi Alpha Chapter

The National Fraternity of Kappa Delta Rho has allowed me to connect to an increasingly growing network of Fraternity Brothers. As part of the Greek community at Temple University we participate in philanthropic and community service events ranging from fundraisers to donate to our favorite charities to block cleanups.






Philly Give Camp

January 17-19: Developed a WordPress site for Enchantment Theatre Company to showcase their events and serve as a dynamic online interface for the company. Worked with other developers and designers to deliver final product after 16 hours of development work, with 3 hours of planning. Event sponsored by Microsoft and Cigna.

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