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Hobbies and Interests


On my spare time, I enjoy a wide variety of outdoor activities. I am an avid hiker, backpacker and camper, though photography is my biggest passion.  When I am in or around Philadelphia,  there are many types of subjects I find fascinating, like everyday people on the street, interesting landmarks and popular events such as the New Years Day Mummer’s Parade.  But when I’m away from home, lighthouses are my subject of choice.


Bell Island Lighthouse Bell Island Newfoundland Cananda


Before I go on vacation or attempt to take  advantage of a long weekend, I try to find where the nearest lighthouse is before I even leave my apartment.  One of my photos won 3rd prize in a contest and was published in Lighthouse Digest Magazine.  My work has been on display in several galleries through out the Philadelphia area including Philadelphia City Hall.  More information regarding my hobbies can be found by visiting my personal website at

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