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Python vs. JavaScript for Development

This is a technological course on js vs python for development. She first touches on programming paradigms, typically  object oriented, or functional. It s a base for how the code communicates. js and python are not specific to wither of these paradigms. She touches on the history of python and the general idea being that python is made for programmers and not computers. She then touches on the history of JavaScript, with the most notable part being that it was the language that created a standard for the world wide web. She then talks about the pros to python, like the 3rd party applications and how it is an all purpose language. JavaScript is most strong for web development specifically. it is important to know if you need any 3rd party library’s, which language you’ll get the most support with, and what your building and which language compliments those needs. Because java scripts is written for the browser, it makes testing and writing very easy. Python has many different iterations which must be installed. Variables in python are much more simple than js, but js is more specific to different needs. Code blocks are similar, only using different symbols. Functions also work almost the exact same way. I will use this information in my career when deciding what types of jobs I should be looking for based on what I am good at regarding programming languages.

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