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JavaScript on the Go: Objects

This course covers technological skills around objects in JavaScript. In JavaScript, there are primitive values and objects. Objects can hold values of any type, and can be updated, added to, and removed. there are different types like arrays and functions. Primitive datatypes can also be converted to objects, although you often do not need to. when you use a method on a primitive, it temporally converts it to a object. almost everything is an object, or gets treated like one. JavaScript is a object oriented language, meaning all of the different objects communicate with each other. prototypal inheritance is part of JavaScript. it links every object to a prototype to be used if the object can not be found. Object literal is the most common way to make one in js. it is just making a list of values in curly brackets. it is the most straightforward way to do this in js. Javascript also has a object constuctor, but it is not commonly used. Object.create allows you to create a new object using an existing prototype, using it as an argument. you can also merge 2 objects using .assign or the spread operator.

This will be useful information to know when staring a career as I would like to do something involved with coding. This will also help me as a base for more independent research on js.

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