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Opportunity Knocks: Wisdom from Recent Grads on Jobs & Internships

During this seminar which was put together by The Main Line Chamber of Commerce, we got to hear from recent college graduates about their experience in the first 5 years on the job.

to start, each of the recent grads introduced themselves, explained where they went to school, and where they currently work. They then each shared a couple of tips for us when searching for a new internship or job opportunity. Some points that stuck out to me were keeping an updated resume, utilizing all resources, and keeping an open mind regarding which industry you’re looking into as a new grad. They also all generally agreed that it is important to find a path that you’re confident you will enjoy.

We then pivoted towards the challenges that new grads often face when finding a job out of college. Some tips that stuck out to me in this portion were to make sure you have a resume specific to the jobs you are applying for to help with getting responses. They also noted that it is important to stay in touch with leadership at any prior positions in case an opportunity presents itself though that avenue. Something else that was mentioned was to treat an interview as a two-way conversation. Come to interviews with questions ready for your interviewer.



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