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The Main Line Chamber Talent and Education Network – Opportunity Knocks: What Employers Want: The Importance of Work Ethic and Teamwork

The name of the sponsoring organization of this activity is the Main Line Chamber and Education Network. This online webinar happened on Zoom on March 16th, 2022 from 4:30 PM to 6:00 PM.

What I learned

I was able to learn some valuable tips on what employers are looking for in potential candidates for internships/co-ops/etc. I learned from Allison Johnson from Vanguard that some things that they look for in candidates is demonstrating that you can work well on a team, that you show self-discipline, are reliable, and that you create goals for yourself. I also learned from her that we should focus on the soft skills and let them shine through us.

I also learned certain points from Tommy Palmer from Comcast. I learned that to stand out to employers, the first thing they should see in your resume is whatever you are most proud of in your resume. He also said that their company looks for a good work ethic in the candidate as well.

Lastly, I was able to learn tips from Marvina Hamilton from Lincoln Financial Group. I learned that I should look back at my past experiences and pull from those during an interview. I also learned that the company is looking for candidates who are courageous, respectful, and have a strong work ethic. I also learned that I should ask more questions about the company during an interview in order to learn more about them.

This activity relates to my career goals since I am pursuing an internship for this upcoming summer. I can use the tips learned in this webinar to help me in finding an internship. That’s why this webinar was useful to me.

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