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Why You Should Be On Google+

CLubMEd Japan’s former CEO Linda Sherman emphasizes the capabilities of Google+ and how they are more advanced than Facebook and Twitter.  Sherman argues that the “communities” and “hangouts” features of Google+ will attract the public to its platform. Google+ is the second largest social networking site in the world since passing Twitter in 2013.  Google+ communities is less than a year old but they are becoming the most powerful feature of Google+. The communities feature enables you to create awareness around your brand, develop recognition in your industry, and interact with potential customers. You can basically enter the community as a brand, which Facebook doesn’t allow. Google+ communities are growing faster than most other platforms and are developing into an important communication tool for businesses and their customers.  The other main feature is Google+ Hangouts, a free video-chat service that enables ten people to chat at one time . Users are able to share documents, images, and videos while chatting. Google+ Hangouts focuses more on “face-to-face” group interaction as opposed to one on one video chats. The “Hangouts on Air” feature allows live video conversations to be broadcasted live to anyone with a web-browser. Google+ is evolving into a powerful way for companies to communicate with their customers. It is simply not “just a fad”, rather it is a video-chatting service that needs to be utilized by companies.

Clark, Dorie. “Why You Should Be On Google Plus (Even Though No One Else Is).” Forbes. Forbes Magazine, 04 Jan. 2013. Web. 09 Oct. 2013.
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