Community Platform
  • Accounting information systems (AIS)
  • Business process analysis
  • Data analytics
  • Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
  • more...
This Year
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Extra Curriculars

Association for Information Systems

Since joining AIS in the Fall of 2016 I’ve been able to learn and grow within my major outside of a classroom setting. Every Monday there is an opportunity to network and listen to industry experts in the MIS field and learn from their experiences. Also, the professional development and technical workshops hosted by peers and teachers have taught me how to advance my skills on my own time. This semester we are starting a pilot program at the Honickman Learning Center through Project HOME. One night out of the week I will be transported to the learning center to teach Microsoft Office to adults in the Philadelphia area that wish to enhance their technological abilities but lack access to technology. AIS has also brought me friends and good times at events such as Lucky Strike Bowling, where I was able to have fun with peers and professors.

Fox Mentorship Program

In the Fall of 2016 I was looking for new ways to make an impact and decided on becoming a Mentor for the Fox Mentorship Program. I was a mentor to a Freshman MIS student. We were both beginning our journey as MIS students and I was able to learn just as much from her as she did from me. I helped her make an academic plan, as well as offer new ways to get involved. It makes me so happy seeing her around campus as now she is super involved in many organizations and excelling in MIS and AIS.

Temple University Investment Association/Fox Fund

In my first semester at Temple I began as a Finance major and joined the student organizations TUIA and Fox Fund. During my time in Fox Fund we had to create two initiating coverage reports with our assigned groups. These reports contained our suggestion in purchasing an undervalued stock from the S&P500. In this report we explained the company and the benefits to purchasing this stock, as well as the catalysts that would bring it back to fair value. This taught me to look at business from a profit point of view. I feel like my time in Fox Fund has taught me valuable experience relating to the business world.

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