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MIS 4596: InstaFresh

InstaFresh is the Farmer to Consumer app that my group has developed for MIS 4596: Information Systems Integration. With this project, we have gotten our first experience in designing a business plan and how to go through all the processes needed for a project to get started. In my opinion, this has been one of the hardest projects I have done during my time at Temple but I must say that it is also the most satisfying one to complete.

We started off the semester with few ideas in our mind for what we wish to accomplish. We’ve changed our charter and project scope a plentiful amount of times each adding and subtracting items until we got something we all liked. This project really taught me about the importance of group competence. No one person can control what the group wishes to achieve, it takes all members to come together and pitch in for a project to be successful. This, of course, is given as its something we hear a lot through our time as MIS students, but it’s until you experience a long-term project that it really sticks out to you.

A key thing I also learned is the importance of scheduling. When given a date and told that these criteria must be met by this day and time you kind of undershoot all the things that needs to be done. It wasn’t until our group wrote down and thought about what it takes to meet these requirements and how much work needs to be put into them that we learned scheduling what we need to do and when it needs to be done will save us tons of hardship in the future. This was thanks to our mentor Bruce. His mentorship was really helpful in getting us off the ground and thinking about what we need to achieve.

Overall, after a few months of hardships, I’m proud to say that my team was able to create a competitive app and site that we all can be proud of.

You can view our site by click here: InstaFresh.

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