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Cybercrime link to those in the free world

Dr. Tessa Cole partnered with the Cybersecurity in Application, Research, and Education Lab to talk about how cybercrimes are connected to people in the “free world”. First, she goes over two types of cybercrimes: cyber-dependent and cyber-enabled. Cyber-dependent are acted towards technology, while cyber-enabled are utilizing technology to carry out the crime. From there, Dr. Cole shows the increase in identity fraud crimes with the amount in 2020 being 219,484,699, and the amount in 2021 being 278,267,918. The institutional problems within cybercrimes are also mentioned in areas of governmental and financial. In government, there are still variations in state and federal legislation in sanctions. Financial agencies, regulations, and institutions are creating agreements with businesses to cover these crimes. Lastly, recommendations are mentioned such as there needing to be harsher punishments who perform these crimes are uniform sanctions for cybercrimes. This event helped me in finding out more about the one disadvantage of technology, such as committing these sorts crimes.

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