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MIS 2101: In this class the general idea is the information technology/systems and it’s role in businesses. We used Salesforce to engage in business system concepts. My favourite unit in the course was JavaScript. Learning how to create prompts and loops is appealing and is something that I would like to pursue and improve upon in the future.

Business Communications: The overall message of the course was to express your thoughts concisely, essentially removing unnecessary details. It was quite difficult since I was taught in English classes to write more creatively and avoid simplicity,  however, Business Communication is the complete opposite. One assignment I found truly useful was the Bad News Email. The assignment taught us how to deliver a crucial piece of information (rejection) to a recipient, in the least painful way possible.

MIS 2402: This was my favourite course so far during my time at Temple. The first few weeks was an overview on HTML using the developer console to execute calculations and strings. We then furthered our knowledge in JavaScript by using loops and arrays. JQuery and JSON were the next topi of learning and in the end I had to combine all my new knowledge into the MIS Pro Points Project. This course reinstated my adoration for JavaScript and I will use what I have been taught in the future.

MIS 2502: The Data Analytics course was one filled with a lot of information and we used a myriad of software. We created a database schema with Vertabelo, retrieved data from RDBMS using MySQL Workbench and MongoDB. Then in the final unit we used R Studio and learned techniques such as Association Rule Mining. MIS 2502 was an important course since data is prevalent in all fields and is beneficial to learn how to read and use that data.

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