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Filtering Through the Google Noise: What Marketers Need to Know

This webinar was presented by Andrew Miller, SVP, Search & Emerging Media at CMI/Compas; a healthcare marketing agency. He went over the topics of responsibilities as marketers, Google noise/Updates, and how to filter through the noise.

The responsibilities of a digital marketer goes beyond campaign management. Their objectives/goals is to call out updates or changes that could impact performance. They must research by proactively identifying relevant trends and updates. Their last responsibility is to communicate within a team to pull in appropriate stakeholders and provide insight and action items. Andrew Miller summarizes this entire section by saying “Be A Good Partner.

Google’s noise is regarding their new algorithm update which focuses only on big businesses that can capitalize on this update.The update is essentially an ad auction. Google Ads forces brands to purchase ad space for their own brand terms. In addition to that, something I never knew that Adam Miller brought up was the recent Google updates, one of them being Project Nightingale. Project Nightingale is a partnership between Google and Ascension to collect and analyze American Health records.

Adam Miller presented a lot of information that is not only important, it’s also scary. This activity relates to my coursework since I took data analytics. We learned how to extract data from programs such as SQL and R and come to a conclusion. Google announced that they will remove third-party cookies. Since Google’s update, we will have to take into consideration of this change and adapt our methods and techniques.

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