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Adobe Creative Jam

Adobe Creative Jam: Best UI/UX Award

Team Squad:

Jake Zebley

Wafa Labadi

Madelaina Murphy

Dianne Ogalesco


Temple held it’s first Adobe Creative Jam on April 2018. Temple University’s Adobe Creative Jam is an event where students put their creative skills to the test through graphic design, photography, and video editing. My team and I created a mock prototype with the theme, “Identity”. We decided to develop an application that personalized the user’s feed based upon their social and political interests called the “Advocatr”. As a team we had to come up with a color scheme, create a logo, design a user-friendly interface on Adobe XD. With the strong support of the audience, our prototype won the “Best UI/UX” award.

Other Links:

Temple Update Article

Creative Jam Submissions

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