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Philadelphia Tech Summit

Pre-Approved Event

Gather the key IT knowledge needed to be indispensible. This year’s Tech Summit agenda is carefully designed to provide you with the latest IT trends and knowledge needed to make the best possible decisions on behalf of your organization. It will allow you to see the best practices other leading companies have adopted, key IT challenges they are facing, and new solutions that are solving these challenges.

I attended the Philadelphia Tech Summit with Davis Trinh on February 22nd, 2018. It’s a very informative conference. I even saw one of my statistics professors there.

I recommend these type of events to MIS students and professionals because you get to learn about how companies and organizations are using new technologies. There is plenty of room to network because there are many students and IT professionals from various companies attending. The last bonus is that this event was completely free.  Anyone who wants to learn or those who don\’t want to stop learning, the Tech Summit is the place to be.

Some of the topics that were covered was:

– Real-Time Data Breach Analysis.

– The Latest Security Detection and Response Tools.

– Cloud Infrastructure Services Trends.

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