Detmar W. Straub is Institute for Business and Information Technology Distinguished Professor in Management Information Systems at the Fox School of Business. Previously, he was Georgia Regents’ Professor and the J. Mack Robinson Distinguished Professor of Information Systems at Georgia State University. Detmar has conducted research in the areas of global IT sourcing, computer security, e-Commerce, technological innovation, international IT studies, and IS research methods. He holds a DBA (Doctor of Business Administration) in MIS from Indiana and a PhD in English from Penn State.
Detmar has more than 195 publications appearing in journals such as MIS Quarterly, Management Science, Information Systems Research, Journal of MIS, Journal of AIS, Decision Sciences Journal, Organization Science, European Journal of Information Systems, Communications of the ACM, Information & Management, Communications of the AIS, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, DATA BASE, OMEGA, Academy of Management Executive, and Sloan Management Review.
Detmar is the immediate past Editor-in-Chief of MIS Quarterly (5 year term from 2008-2012). In nearly all rankings of journals in the field of information systems, this journal is ranked #1. Moreover, MIS Quarterly has had notably high journal impact factors (JIF) among all journals in the business, information, and the computer sciences according to Thomson-Reuters’ ISI.
Detmar is a former Senior Editor for Information Systems Research and Journal of the AIS and Co-Editor-in-Chief of DATA BASE for Advances in Information Systems. He is an Associate Editor for the Journal of International Management and the International Journal of Management and Business Analytics (IJMBA). In the past he has served as Associate Editor for Management Science and Information Systems Research, and Associate Publisher/Senior Editor/Associate Editor for MIS Quarterly as well as editorial board membership on a host of other journals. Former VP of Publications for the Association of Information Systems (AIS), he has held roles as Co-Program Chair for ICIS and AMCIS and was inducted as an AIS fellow in 2005. He will serve as General Co-Chair of the ICIS conference in Auckland, New Zealand in 2014.
He was the 2008 winner of the Alumni Distinguished Professor Award at Georgia State University, given annually for high achievement in research, teaching and service in a faculty of 1,050 persons. For lifetime achievement in the field of information systems, he was awarded a LEO by the Association for Information Systems in 2012.