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This Year
175 Points
950 Points
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Investment Analyst

I performed diligence on Sports Technology startup companies looking to expand their reach by utilizing Comcast’s vast network of sports and media partners. In my role, I performed research on industry trends pertaining to the technology and sports industries to find what technology trends are affecting sports the most. I also analyzed companies that applied to the Comcast NBCUniversal SportsTech platform willing to give up small equity investments in exchange for deals with Comcast Partners such as Sky Sports, PGA Tour, WWE, etc. Due diligence work with analyzing companies involved utilizing industry research, working in Excel to collect, sort, and analyze information, and talking with founders of these companies to determine their plan of action and viability for the Comcast Accelerator program. The internship was heavily focused on Technology and its aspects on business because all of the companies which applied utilized technology such as RFID, AI, etc. to enhance an everyday process or develop a new solution to a problem. Understanding this technology, which was discussed in MIS 2901, was crucial in determining how viable and resourceful the product and business is. I learned how these concepts I took from MIS 2901 are actually used in the real-world for business applications such as AI news anchors, RFID tags to locate, scanners, etc. I performed this internship from the last week of May until November (Summer – Fall).

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