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HTML Essential Training

This course, taught by Jen Simmons, goes through the essentials of HTML programming. The course had 10 sections to teach HTML, the first being its role in programming. The overview is that HTML is used to build the structure of a website. The second part was introducing text and how to format it. Here we learned the format and syntaxes of a variety of text methods such as creating paragraphs, italic text, bold text, and others. The third section was understanding the power of HTML and the tools that it provides such as the developer tools, adding comments, and so on. The fourth section introduced linking and navigation with the href attribute. The next step displayed how to incorporate images and graphics by using the image element – <img> – and the four attributes that go along with it: <src> (Source), <alt>, <width>, and <height>. The sixth section introduced Media and how to work with videos using the elements of <video> and <audio>. The seventh step, “More ways to identify content”, was to create a more accessible site by utilizing the language element <lang>. The eighth step was “Putting it all together” and combine the steps from before to get a better understanding of how HTML should look. The ninth step was learning about the importance of <form> elements and the final step was learning how to build a table.

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