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IBIT mentoring program

The IBIT mentoring program connected me with Sukumar Narayanan, the president of DecisiveEdge. He earned his Master’s Degree at Temple University for Management Information Systems and shared wonderful insight through his journey and what he’s working on now. DecisiveEdge is a strong partner of Oracle. They specialize in finding solutions for companies by developing brand new software that upgrades performance and results. One example that stood out was when they worked with one hospital in India. The consent system for surgery was very complicated and at times put the hospital through lawsuits. There was so much paperwork that at times the patients were not fully informed of the process. DecisivEdge created a unique digital system that broke down the information in a way that was very informative and provided quizzes to ensure that the patient was informed of the process. If the patients had any questions, they added a feature that provided the doctor’s number, in case they had any questions. This eliminated many of the problems the hospital was facing and provided a very positive impact on performance. This is just one of the many examples of how DecisivEdge is making changes for a better world.

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