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WordPress Hands-on Project

WordPress is a free user-friendly, open source website and blogging tool platform. It allows a user to upload pictures, audio, and videos to their blog and also set up a feature to allow comments on the blog. Some of the most reputable companies in today’s market use WordPress to manage their content, companies such as, New York Times, Vogue, Sony Music and many more.

Why did I decide to cover WordPress? I will be covering WordPress on my blog because it’s a tool I plan to expand on to use on a daily basis for website content management. In my Enterprise IT Architecture class, I learned basic information on WordPress, mainly on its ecosystem.

As one of the hands-on projects in my Enterprise IT Architecture class, I decided to learn and expand on WordPress a little more by recording a video covering basic functions on how to use WordPress. In this video, I am explaining how to create pages and tabs. Also, I will be exploring what widgets are and how to use them.

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