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Interesting Facts Page

Movies I have watched over and over: There are three movies that I try to watch at least once a year.  Forrest Gump, Pulp Fiction, and Good Will Hunting.  I’m not sure why I have chosen these three as my favorite movies, but they’re my comfort shows and they really help me when I’m feeling blue.

Favorite sports teams: I am a Boston sports fan through and through, which makes living in Philadelphia a challenge sometimes.  My roommates love to give me flack for it, but I love the Patriots, Celtics, and Red Sox.

TV show I’m watching right now: I am currently rewatching a show called Scrubs at the moment.  It is one of my all time favorite sitcoms and I would recommend it to everyone.  It has something for everyone and is very well made.

Places I have lived: I have bounced around a little over the last 6 years.  I am originally from a small town called Collegeville, about 40 minute west of Philadelphia, but over the past few years I have lived in Shepherdstown West Virginia, South Korea, and of course, Philadelphia.

Pets: Currently I have one small dog named Bodhi, he is a beagle and an absolute terror, but our family still loves him regardless.

Apps I visit daily: Other than the usual Instagram and Tiktok, one of the apps I visit every day is the Chess app.  My friends from home and I try to play a game of chess against each other whenever we have free time.  We are super competitive and love to trash talk, so playing a quick game of chess between classes really brightens my day.

Favorite things to do outside of school & work: My favorite things to do outside of school are rock climbing and wrestling.  I’m the president of the Temple Wrestling Club and while it can be pretty grueling, theres nothing I would rather do than wrestle.  I feel the same way about rock climbing, though as a sport it is much more relaxing than wrestling.

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