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Outside of academics, my favorite hobby is cooking.  I love learning and trying new recipes. Cooking is a way for me to be artistic, using a variety of ingredients that add color and make the meals look good as they taste through presentation. I am also able to share my creations by giving everyone a chance to taste as well as see the finished product. The special thing about a home cooked meal is the feeling of abundance it provides, everything you have and need is right in front of you and within arms’ reach. There’s no worrying about what to order, what the bill is going to be, or if you should have another glass of wine.



Eggroll Platter

Eggroll Platter



As a student at Temple, I believe one does not experience college until they have been a part of some type of organization on campus.

I have been an active member of  the Vietnamese Student Association for the past 4 years. As a Vietnamese American, I wanted to become closer to my heritage and learn more as well as spread knowledge about my culture to others. I joined the Vietnamese Student Association in the beginning of my freshmen year and am still in this wonderful organization.  Being so much involved and having so much passion for this organization, I was given the opportunity to become president, vice president and secretary throughout my 4 years. Through this organization, I learned many things about myself including what i was capable of doing such as planning an event, leadership skills, team work and public speaking. The Vietnamese Student Associations has given me many opportunities such as hosting a culture show, volunteering for the Asian community, host meetings, and attending conferences to meet other Vietnamese Students outside Temple. I am very thankful to have joined the Vietnamese Student Association because this organization has taught me about my strengths and weaknesses and is also the reason why I wanted to switch my major from science to business. In the future I plan to work in the marketing and event planning industry.


Vietnamese Culture Show

Vietnamese Culture Show


Northeast Union Vietnamese Student Conference

Northeast Union Vietnamese Student Conference


Volunteering at the Chinatown Moon Festival

Volunteering at the Chinatown Moon Festival



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