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Diamond Peer Teacher

During the Fall semester of 2023, I took on the role of being the Diamond Peer Teacher for MIS2101, Digital Systems, within the MIS department at Temple University’s main campus.

While acting as a Diamond Peer, I set aside hours each week for office hours as well as separate study sessions where students could come in and receive assistance, guidance, and clarification for any of the material covered in class. I held exam review sessions, at least one per exam, and was present during each class in case students needed my assistance. I also met with my faculty advisor, Professor Steven Sclarow, each week to discuss observations that we have noticed both inside and outside of the classroom.

I worked on projects for the class which included assisting in reformatting the new course structure for MIS2101 as well as setting up a new attendance system, through Qwickly, to enhance student attendance and engagement. These projects will prove to be useful for the next rotation of students taking MIS2101 as I believe that these new implementations will not only help them learn more material in a way that they are more accustomed to, but that these implementations will help with keeping classroom attendance both high and consistent throughout the semester.

Being a Diamond Peer was an enriching experience as it not only helped me to further cement my baseline knowledge in coding and foundational MIS concepts that I can carry onto my future job, but it also gave me leadership experience within a new setting. Taking on a leadership role in a classroom is a new experience where I was put into a more formalized position of student authority, and this gave me great insight to what I could expect in a future job setting if and when I am required to take on a leadership role for a larger group of people. I also got to help students in various ways based on their learning styles, and this is where I really developed an understanding and acceptance for fact that I have to customize my methods of teaching as best I can to cater towards all types of learning when possible.

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