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I have been working at Temple University Physicians for 4 years. I started as a student worker in the call center. I communicated with 200+ patients a day via telephone to relay information about appointments. I was then promoted to student supervisor. My duties included tracking student calls per hour, printing the daily call sheets and running reports dealing with appointment information. I was then promoted again to my current role of Operations Manager. I run various reports dealing with patient information, department schedules and fiscal information. I report directly to the COO and work very closely with her.

My experiences in these roles have given me great insight into the field of healthcare and healthcare delivery. As a MIS major with a minor in Healthcare Management, I feel that these experiences are paving a path to a long career in healthcare technology. I hope to be able to make a difference in people’s lives by helping healthcare delivery be efficient and effective by utilizing technology properly and analyzing data to find trends that could benefit the healthcare system as a whole.

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