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Exercise/Injury Rehabilitation

Being in shape and constantly reaching new goals in fitness is my strongest passion. So far throughout my short life, I have been plagued with multiple serious injuries that prevented me from weight training and being active. I put all my effort into making my body healthy again when this happens because we only get one body in our lifetime, and I do my best to treat mine right. I have developed tremendous discipline through rehabbing my injuries and have learned to put strong amounts of effort into the important things in life. 



From playing the guitar to seeing live shows, or simply wearing my headphones throughout the day, music plays a huge role in my life. Discovering new music that triggers certain endorphins in the body is truly amazing, and constantly improving means of listening to music like high-tech headphones make it that much better every day. Additionally, playing and creating music myself is an extremely tough but extremely rewarding activity that will be an unconquerable project to work on for the rest of my life. 



After long days in the real world, I love relaxing at night by playing challenging video games either alone or with friends. The capabilities given to certain characters in games are extremely fun to explore because most of the time they are things that would never be possible on our planet. On the same topic, I love all things fantasy, from a simple shooter-style video game to the Game of Thrones series. Magic, dragons, and the like are such interesting topics to create content around, and effortlessly grab my attention. 

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