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Hobbies & Interests

I have always been passionate about new emerging technologies. My freshman year, I choose engineering as a major because of my interest in the computer engineering but once I realized it is not for me, I switched out to Fox School of Business. Although, I have switched my major, Im still interested in the computers and technology, MIS is the best major that fit my interests and passion.

On my spare time, I like to listen to electro music and follow up with the latest House, Progressive Trance, Trance, Techno, Electro hits from the best artists from all over the world. One day, I wish to learn to play guitar and eventually start producing my own music.

In the near future, I want to start traveling around the world, visit as many countries as possible, learn new cultures, and taste cuisine of different nations. Traveling around the world, seeking for an adventure has been my passion since I was a child. I have already visited Russia, Mexico, Jamaica, Dominican Republic, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and hoping to visit more countries as I proceed with my career.


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